Business registration with lawyer

Would you like to obtain tax numbers? (GST, QST):

Our self-service turnkey service will help you complete your sole proprietorship registration. This package is ideal for a self-employed worker wishing to obtain a Quebec business number and who would like to have a business name. Upon purchase of the package, you will receive a mini form to provide us with the information relevant to your registration.

The lawyer will accompany you during the process and you will also have a consultation from the start in order to answer your questions and to guide you in your project.

Your registration will be finalized between 2 and 5 working days.

The recording package includes:

  • One (1) consultation of unlimited duration with a business lawyer
  • Provincial Sole Proprietorship Registration (Quebec)
  • Government fees included (Quebec)
  • Quebec enterprise number (NEQ)
  • A consultation with a lawyer
  • GST, QST and DAS tax numbers (source deductions) are included if selected

What is a Sole Proprietorship Registration?

A sole proprietorship is the simplest form of running a business. Business decisions are made by a single owner. He therefore realizes all the profits, but also bears the risks and obligations.

In general, sole proprietorships are small and localized.

Advantages of a Sole Proprietorship

Common benefits associated with running a sole proprietorship include:

  • The ease with which one can set up the business
  • Modest start-up costs
  • Quick and easy accounting

Disadvantages of a Sole Proprietorship

  • All assets of a self-employed person can be seized to pay off debts accumulated by the business.
  • All income and losses from the sole proprietorship belong to the individual running it. Therefore, if the income from the business is high, the self-employed person will have to pay higher taxes since the tax rate for individuals is normally higher than that for corporations.
  • The sole proprietorship will cease to exist upon the death of the self-employed worker.

    Informations Importantes

    Lorsque vous passez une commande sur notre site en ligne, nous vous invitons à lire la description du service pour obtenir les informations nécessaires au bon déroulement de votre achat.

    Nous sommes disponibles par clavardage en cliquant sous l'onglet orange au bas de la page à la droite, ou par téléphone au 1-888-653-8299.

    Nos heures d'ouverture sont du lundi au jeudi de 8h30 à 17h30 et le vendredi de 9h00 à 15h00.

    à propos

    Saviez-vous que même si nos services sont offerts à distance, vous serez toujours desservie par un professionnel soit par téléphone ou par visioconférence. Notre équipe de professionnels sont membres du Barreau du Québec ou de la Chambre des Notaires du Québec, et sont disponibles pour vous aider peu importe où vous êtes!

    protégez vos intérêts

    Protégez vos intérêts peu importe où vous êtes. Nos services juridiques sont 100% à distance et offerts à travers le Québec.